Proposed Development showcases a garden development, New paradise Gardens, to be built on existing nature, now, soon and in the further future.
Existing nature will be transformed into a sustainable, safe, colourful and welcoming open space containing a wide variety and requiring little upkeep.
After a break of two years, Bow Road Open Studios return on the 17th and 18th June 2022. Join Nye Thompson, Joanna Penso and me in Studio B1-08 for a preview of current work in progress and a chance to see and talk about our work.
Gardens of London is a project which started during lockdown 2020 in London.
During the pandemic restrictions, the artificial gardens of the city have offered residents of London an opportunity to reconnect with the natural world, to observe the colour and shapes of foliage and flowers, to watch species grow and wither. At a time of social separation, a chance to reconnect with other nature.
The prints for sale are 40cm x 40cm and in a limited edition of 30 for each image in the series. If you would like more information, please email me: info[at] In selling these prints I am taking part in Artist Support Pledge
The concept is a simple one. The artist posts images of their work that they are willing to sell for no more than £200 each. Every time they reach £1000 of sales they pledge to buy another artist’s work for £200. This creates a dynamic culture and market, where all can contribute, whatever their level of success. This is a culture dependent on the honesty and generosity of our artistic communities at every level.
100 Contemporary Artists from the Aesthetica Art Prize
Future Now contains work from all 100 artists on the long-list for the Aesthetica Art Prize 2020. Images from my Decomposition series appear in this extensive record which is published to accompany the Aesthetica Art Prize and Future Now Symposium held at York St John University.
“The works inside this collection survey themes such as race and identity, technology, Dataism, surveillance culture, geopolitics and the climate crisis. We are living in uncertain times. There is so much happening on both personal and universal levels; we must take a moment to pause and try to make sense of all of this information.”
The 2020 Aesthetica Art Prize Exhibition opened at York Art Gallery on March 12th. The exhibition is temporarily closed due to social distancing and the nationwide lockdown of public locations. Here is a short video of the opening of the exhibition at York Art Gallery. The exhibition is due to reopen in early December 2020 and continue at York Art Gallery until February 2021.
Elevating news to start 2020. Work from my Decomposition series has been shortlisted for the 2020 Aesthetica Art Prize. It will be featured in the Aesthetica Art Prize Exhibition with 17 other artists in York Art Gallery March 13th-July 18th 2020.
The Aesthetica Art Prize is an annual exhibition organised by Aesthetica Magazine. My work will also be featured in Future Now, a book published to coincide with the Future Now Symposium held annually at York St John University. This year, the symposium will take place on March 12th and 13th with guest speakers from arts organisations was well as artists Cornelia Parker, Martin Parr and Nadav Kander.
Shortly after Easter the Central London Group of London Independent Photography present their 2019 exhibition at Espacio Gallery in Bethnal Green Road. I am very pleased to have my work included again this year in this their 7th annual show.